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{Sorry The Book Is No Longer Available

"A Wooden Iowa Rifling Bench "

Cover Page 2nd Edition.jpg (574048 bytes)Steve Bookout and I wrote a 2nd edition to the book on how to build A Wooden Iowa Rifler similar to those built over a hundred years ago for the purpose of rifling gun barrels.  The 2nd Edition now has more advance techniques added to speed up the rifling process. Steve had already built a couple riflers, but this one is a design Steve had been pondering over for a long time.  Last Fall we decided to build it from scrap, and in the process we took photos and wrote down all the necessary steps, including a lot of helpful hints and about 150 photos and illustrations.  

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(Click on photos for larger image) 

The result was a manual comprised of three books. The first book shows how to build  the special lathe.  The second book has patterning, cutting and constructing the rifler.  The third book shows how to actually use the rifler and in the process, we did in fact, rifle a four foot barrel.  The book is concise and to the point, without a lot of flowering expertise flowing to fill the pages.  The book is 58 pages,  in black & white printing, but full of detailed information.  



Rifler 11.jpg (585780 bytes)  The interesting thing about the rifler is it can be set up to rifle any barrel regardless whether it is  blackpowder or a modern rifle.  You, the builder, can modify the rifler to meet your needs.  Plus it has been expanded to include more aggressive rifling techniques.  Thus reducing time spent.  "Bookie"  rifled a barrel for a half-stock in less than an hour!


This rifler can be built with common shop tools for less than 50-60 bucks.  If you only want to rifle short barrels, you don't even have to build a long lathe! You can customize it to fit your own particular needs by changing the dimensions, grooves, or rate of twist to suit.  This pattern is highly adaptable.   "Bookie" an' I will autograph your copy if you want.


Did you know that riflers have been built from our book in Taiwan, Macedonia, Singapore, England, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, as well as in quite a few states here in America?

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{Sample Contents Page - click on images}

What's not covered is other methods of rifling, other styles of benches, or gain twist.  What you do get is knowledge of how we rifle barrels here in Iowa.  If we can do it, you can, too.  The end result is a rifled barrel, but the question is: Is the barrel gonna shoot ACCURATE?  All things being equal, when you can cover 3 shots, off hand at 50 yards, with a quarter dollar, I'd say: CASE CLOSED! 

What we've been told by other gun masters who've purchased the book, is that this is the best rifling book ever written on the subject.  They went on to say it would have saved them years of trial and error, if only we had written it many years earlier.   We've sold books to people worldwide.

Received a great review in the July/August 2006 issue of Muzzleloader magazine from Mike Nesbitt in  "Prime Possibles" on our 1st Edition.  Jim Wright of Pioneer Video plans to sell this book with the new upcoming rifling video featuring Steve Bookout, my co-author, very soon.

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                          Here is the article (click on it to enlarge) -->    





[Used with permission from  MUZZLELOADER magazine]


Books may be available through the following purveyors: (Check them out by clicking on their links below)

On December 30th, 2004 we rifled a barrel at Toad Hall Rifleshop. Here is a link to a dedicated page with some photos from that day using the wooden rifler to rifle a .44 caliber rifle.    Link--> Rifling Day


Note Below: Steve Bookout provides rifling blanks. 

Guide Blanks For Sale 

     Blank rifling guides or worms to my pattern as depicted in the book "A Wooden Iowa Rifling Bench" are now available.  I turn these blanks  out of fir so there will be tiny variations in the dimensions with the exception of the overall lengths & diameters of the critical sections. Fir is a good wood and will last several years before wear renders them unusable.  My original guide was made in 1991, literally from a fence post, and is still going strong!


If you ain't an ol' horse trader like me, please note the following:

41" to 50": $70, post paid to the lower 48, $60 when purchased with the book.  Postage for a 48" blank will average about $17 as of Aug. 2006.

36" to 40": $60/$50.

Less than 36": $50/$40.

6" to 12":  $25.     

Full money back guarantee as always.  Email or call for details, desired lengths, other woods, and availability schedule.  I "normalize" each piece of wood for a minimum of 30 days inside my shop to acclimatize the wood before turning to minimize warpage and additional cracking.  DO expect the blank received to contain knots and minor cracks in the wood.  I do not keep many turned blanks in stock. I will not send a blank that I would be hesitant to use myself!

For more information, drop a note to Steve at: toadhall@pcpartner.net 

--------------------   ATTENTION 1st Edition Book Owners!!!   --------------------------------------------------

 Rifling Book Error Discovered


Please print this sheet for your own use.

23 Jan 2006

     Regardless, no matter how hard you try, some things still manage to fall through the cracks. It was thought that Al and I had all the bugs out of our book, "A Wooden Iowa Rifling Bench", as it must have been proof-read a jillion times, but Mike Ebner out to the Pine Ridge 7 Ranch still discovered a couple of those pesky critters! A tip of the hat to him for helping us out. If these errors have caused you any grief, I sincerely apologize.

In short, the stringer mounting holes in the handle are mis-spaced and do not line up correctly with the stringer holes at the opposite end.

1. Page 24 under TAIL STOCK GUIDE, Para. 1: "Cut a piece of 2X6 board" should read: "Cut a piece of 2X8 board...".  Also, please change the final dimension of 5-//16" listed in this paragraph to 6".  Para. 3: Hole dimension is listed as 1-15/16" and should read 1-5/8".

2. Page 26, Para.. 3 & Figure 57: Please change the 3-5/8" dimension to: 4-3/4".


Please note that all books purchased after the 23 Jan 06 date will have these amendments included and any other updates that were required .  

Hoot AL Rifle Shop

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